Films present

Music for the film by Peirson Ross
The Hand of Franklin takes us intimately into the confines of a four-man expedition attempting to be the first to row self-propelled through the fabled Northwest Passage. The journey demonstrates the alarming effects of climate change in the arctic- and its global consequences.
Shot and directed by award-winning documentary filmmaker Frank Wolf, this epic modern-day adventure puts the audience on the oars with the Canadian/Irish team as they spend two months battling wind, ice and themselves in a sardine can-sized rowboat.
Not a one-dimensional 'look at me' film, it draws heavily on the experience and wisdom of the Inuvialuit, Inuit, and other local people they meet along the way. Their insights give breadth and depth to the ongoing calamity of a warming planet.
Come along for the ride and be entertained as well as educated in this one-of-a-kind documentary.
Primary Expedition Sponsor:
The Hand of Franklin Image Gallery